31 Days of Freelancing: Finding Client Similarities

What I’m listening to: Poke by Frightened Rabbit

dec-2Busy week for me despite just having a few projects. But I did get some invoices out, and I did pretty well considering a holiday caused hiccups in work and what I call work-think from the client’s perspective.

How did you do with yesterday’s strategy? Feel free to leave your experience either on this thread or yesterday’s.

Let’s continue with our month of boosting our business success. Today, we’re going to expand on what we already know.

December 2: Reach out to clients who are similar to current clients.

It makes sense — you have built a familiarity with a particular type of client project. You’ve written eight sales letters for a stereo manufacturer. You know the industry jargon. Let’s target similar businesses.

Here’s a short list of companies you can reach out to:

  • Stereo installation companies
  • Supporting companies, including companies that: install home systems/car systems; manufacture installation products, such as cables, plugs, wireless technology, remotes; manufacture speakers; provide Bluetooth-enabled technology, or; sell stereo manufacturer products to retailers
  • Car stereo companies, including manufacturers and all of the supporting companies listed above (and more)
  • Retail stereo shops
  • Component manufacturers and/or wholesalers

You get the idea. Find something in your comfort zone that you enjoy doing and do well. Now, list at least five more instances where that knowledge will translate. Suppose you work within the pet care industry, writing for the magazines. Just a few potential targeted clients include: magazines specific to one breed or one species; pet food companies; pet supply companies; pet shop chains/local stores; breeders’ associations; show organizations; blogs ….

Now send out a letter of introduction or a query (if it’s a publication) showing your experience and explaining briefly how it translates into what you can do for them.

Writers, have you had success in transferring skills from one client type to another?

How many of your clients have a similar business profile?


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2 Thoughts to “31 Days of Freelancing: Finding Client Similarities”

  1. Jenn Mattern

    Good reminder Lori. I see this issue with new freelancers all the time. They have one very narrow market type in mind, and they’re shocked when you point out all the related markets they could target without having to take on another specialty. There are always more opportunities than you think!

    1. lwidmer

      Right you are, Jenn. It’s a common mistake, and it’s one even clients make. “Can you write about X?” when X is clearly part of the same topic area I’ve covered since the beginning of time…

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